Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lab 12: Oscilloscope 101

The purpose of this lab is to get introduced to using an oscilloscope.

Exercise 1: Displaying and Measuring a Sinusoid

Frequency 5kHz
Period 0.2ms
Peak to peak Amplitude 5V
Zero to peak Amplitude 2.5V
Anticipated RMS = 5/√2
VDC -10.3mV

Exercise 2: Including a DC Offset
+2.5V DC offset
DC coupling

AC coupling

The difference between them is the ground positioning
VDC = 2.48 mV
VAC = 1.91 mV

Exercise 3: Displaying and Measuring a Square Wave with offset.
VDC = 2.49 mV
VAC = 3.08 mV
RMS= 5V/200μs = 25000

Exercise 4: Measuring Mystery signals

DC voltage 4V
Frequency 67.56 Hz
Pk-Pk Amp .4V

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